Society of Emergency Medicine Physician Assistants

"Social Determinants of Health" - Jasmin Sumrall, MPH

CE Information
1.0 CME credit
Completion Time
1 hour
Available Until
February 16, 2025
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Current PA Student, Education, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pre-PA Student, and Primary Care
Clinical Topics
Health Literacy, Patient Outcomes, and Primary Care

CMS and other payers are rightfully emphasizing the role of addressing health equity to improve health outcomes and patient experience. New value-based payment models and SDoH screening / data collection requirements provide a foundation for developing a system-wide health equity strategy. We must work together across hospital and clinic departments, partner with community-based organizations, and seek input and leadership from our communities to develop robust solutions for health inequities.

Speaker bio: Jasmin is the Operations Manager for the Baptist Health Population Health Services Organization. She first started at Baptist Health in 2018 as a care manager in the Greenbrier Family Clinic. She is the administrative lead for the Baptist Health UAMS Accountable Care Alliance, an ACO participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program. She received a B.S. in Psychology from Harding University, Master of Public Health from Baylor University, and completed the Didactic Program in Dietetics at University of Central Arkansas.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the presentation, attendees should be able to:

  1. Define health equity and social determinants of health (SDoH) and how they relate to one another
  2. Describe the process of stratifying data to discover health disparities within health system data sets
  3. Describe the 2023 IPPS Final Rule that mandates SDoH reporting for hospitals in 2024 
  4. Describe preparations made by administrative and clinical teams to implement the 2023 IPPS Final Rule 
  5. Conceptualize future of health disparities and SDoH work in health care settings


Jasmin Sumrall
Jasmin Sumrall MPH

CE Information

This activity offers 1.0 CME credit to attendees.

Accredited by AAPA.

This activity has been reviewed by the AAPA Review Panel and is compliant with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 19 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation.

Approval is valid from 3/8/2024 to 3/8/2025. AAPA reference number: CME-2010808.



Activity Content

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Activity Attachments

Registration to this activity includes access to the following supporting materials.

  • Social Determinants of Health (Size: 1.24 MB)
Duration: 41 minutes | Quality: HD
Course Evaluation
14 questions
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